Saturday, March 6, 2010


Tomorrow night is the Oscars......I'll be honest.....I am so excited!! I love movies, fashion, and celebrities, so naturally tomorrow night I will be in heaven!! I have seen most of the movies nominated for Best Picture, and there are some great ones. But today, I watched Precious. the only word that describes it. This movie was in no way a feel good movie on the could it be? It is about an illiterate, and abused teenage girl that is continually raped by her own father, and becomes pregnant not once, but twice with his child. Not exactly a "touchy feely" plot line. What made this story/movie amazing was Precious herself....Gabourey Sidibe.

What an amazing and resilient girl. To go through what she went through (all by the age of 16, I might add), and to come out a better and more educated person is an amazing feat. Go see the movie, or wait until it comes out on video. It''l make you laugh, be angry and want to punch her mom in the face (who is played my Mo'Nique, who was also AMAZING in the movie!), and cry when see what this poor girl has to deal with everyday.


l + j said...

this movie was hyped up so much at the awards show that i want to watch it (but don't at the same time!)

Lindsey said...

It really was an amazing movie.....totally worth watching. But will cry your eyes out!!