Sunday, January 16, 2011

Corn Dog Anyone?

This week, wasn't all that bad.  It was just interesting....and really cold.

Tuesday morning, I was at school hard at work molding the young minds of my kindergarten students, when the fire alarm went off.  A number of things went through my mind in a matter of seconds......

  1. It's Power Hour (Our intense literacy center rotation:  guided reading, word work, fluency, and handwriting).  They NEVER do fire alarms during Power Hour.
  2. Martha (my principal) isn't here.  Who is in charge of this drill?
  3. It's like 15 degrees outside.  We never have drills when it is this cold outside.
  4. Why didn't I know about this drill?

So, I rounded up my broad of children and we headed outside to our designated spot, which is currently cover in about 5 inches of snow.  We went outside, without coats because (it's part of the whole "drill" procedure....because if there was a real fire the goal is to get out as quickly as possible, right?) and tromped through the snow to line up.  I counted heads (17 to be exact), looked around the playground to make sure that the special ed department had 3 more of them, and that the ESL ladies had the remaining 3 students....for a grand total of 23 students in all.  18 boys....5 girls.  Got them all!

Well, we stood there, and stood there some more with the alarm blaring for what felt like an eternity....remember we were coatless.  I was freezing, and the kids were freezing, so I took our frigid moment to teach them a lesson about penguins....which is what we are currently learning about.  We huddled together, and I proceeded to tell them that this is how the penguins in Antarctica keep warm.  We moved around, having them take turns being in the middle to absorb the heat our frozen bodies were creating.  The kids thought it was great!  It made the time pass a little more quickly.....but I was still quickly becoming a popsicle.  

Moments later, with the alarm still blaring, our PE teacher came running around the building motioning for us to come inside.  Were we really expected to accomplish anything with the fire alarm still going off?  But, my feet were numb so I lead the troops back inside (who were covering their ears the second we got close to the building).  

Upon entering the school, there was a distinct burnt smell lingering in the air.  My first thought....what food did the kitchen burn?  And my thought was correct.  Last week, while cooking corn dogs for our 550 students, one fell off of the tray and into the back of the oven.  After a week of cooking, the poor oven corn dog had enough, and finally caught on fire.....thus smoking the kitchen out, and setting off the alarm.  Our poor kitchen manager was mortified! 

The alarm finally went off, and we were able to go back to our daily routine.  We all huddled in my classroom bathroom and turned on the hand dryer to warm up, and bundled up in our coats to try and heat back up.  It was a very interesting, but cold start to our week.  

Lesson Learned:  Make sure you check the oven for run away corn dogs!

And, baptism by fire for my student teacher.  She saw just how much one little thing can disrupt a significant amount of time in any classroom.

Other than that, out week was pretty great.  Cam can officially check one more week of off his nursing school semester....bringing him closer to graduation.  I think I am more excited than he is!  I wish his instructors were a little more nice.  Telling a group of students on the first day that "this course will chew you up and spit you out", isn't exactly motivating.

Well, until next time America!  

I hope you all enjoy your long weekend!